About Us

Inkool is an R&D company that completes processes such as design and development for the main and auxiliary components of industrial products with its experienced staff and carries out production with its diverse and powerful machine park. The company, which started its activities in 2020 with this vision and mission, backed by 15 years of experience, has rapidly implemented machinery and human resources investments to realize the necessary R&D investments.

The company, which produces all the intermediate components needed by the companies in the refrigeration sector, provides services and support to leading companies in many fields such as Glass Door and Frame Systems, Display Case Hardware, Led Lightning Systems, Cabling Systems.

Trusted Brands

Why they choosed us?

Inkool is an R&D company that completes processes such as design and development for the main and auxiliary components of industrial products with its experienced staff and carries out production with its diverse and powerful machine park. The company, which started its activities in 2021 with this vision and mission, backed by 15 years of experience, has rapidly implemented machinery and human resources investments to realize the

Countries that we have exported

We are working for
a sustainable future

Inkool is now plant a tree for each glass door it produces. In this way, it both works for nature and takes the pioneering step in its sector for sustainable production.With this project, we aim to remove 225 tons of CO2 in 2022 and 600 tons of CO2 by the end of 2023.